Learning & Work in the
Age of Automation & AI

22nd September at 9am (EDT) – 2pm UK (BST)- 3pm Central Europe (CEST).

Innovative Design to Create Unique Brand Experiences

When looking beyond the visual, design is capable of providing increasingly functional, practical, and personal experiences, solving the challenges of our time, no matter if they are as big as global warming or as customizable as a purchasing process.

For companies, a design-based culture is critical to creating a high-impact brand experience. According to the McKinsey Institute, more than 40% of companies surveyed are still not talking to their end-users while developing new products and strategies.

Since design is made by people and for people, it gains a social role. The design has the power to be inclusive, ethical, and sustainable and, therefore, it has innovated all sectors of the economy, from retail to manufacturing.

In the 6th edition of Economics of Change, you attend a C-Level event with global leaders such as Eric Einhorn, one of the biggest advertising names in the world; Cristiano Rodriguez, Creative Director of the accessories brand Zeferino; Jeffrey Litvack, CEO, member of the board of directors at Adweek; and Nana Baffour, Qintess´s Chairman, CEO and Chief Culture Officer.

Attend the 6th edition of Economics of Change and:

  • Understand how design plays a key role in connecting the brand with its audience;
  • Understand how design goes beyond the visual, being able to solve major current and future problems on the planet and reflect the behavior of society;
  • Gain access to insights from leading experts to apply to your daily work routine.

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Check out great world experts who will be present at the 6th edition of Economics of Change.


One of the biggest advertising names in the world.

One of the biggest advertising names in the world Eric Einhorn is one of the most recognized names in advertising. He has worked for over 30 years at the Interpublic Group. Eric served as Strategy Director at McCann Worldgroup, the world's largest communications company. He was responsible for managing the region Asia-Pacific in a rapidly evolving plan for McCann. His career led him to the development and adoption of MasterCard’s “Priceless” campaign around the globe and has accumulated in his portfolio other major clients including Microsoft, Intel, MasterCard, and General Motors. Eric defines himself as a passionate advocate of the vital role of strategy as means of establishing communications in the complex and exciting world of digital.


Creative Director of the accessories brand Zeferino

Fashion Designer with 17 years of experience in creation and creative direction, Cristiano was responsible for implementing the creation department of the Zeferino accessories company. His creations have won international fame and admiration from the influential French headhunter, Floriane de Saint Pierre, responsible for placing Alber Elbaz at Lanvin, Stefano Pilati at Yves Saint Laurent, and Christopher Bailey at Burberry. According to the headhunter, Cristiano Rodriguez is the "Brazilian Manolo Blahnik".


Adweek former CEO and Board Member.

A native digital executive, who leverages his 25 years of operational, strategic and financial expertise to help companies transform their investments into high growth vehicles. Jeff is a highly regarded executive credited with winning many awards for product breakthroughs and industry leadership from Apple, The Webbys, IAB, and others.


Chairman, CEO and Chief Culture Office at Qintess

Entrepreneur from the technology, media and fashion sectors will be the panel moderator contributing with his huge experience in management and innovation, and bringing interesting provocations regarding ESG and how these practices connect with design and brand experience.

Matt Beane

Professor in the Technology Management Program at the University of California, and a Digital Fellow with MIT’s Institute for the Digital Economy.

A Digital Fellow with MIT’s Institute for the Digital Economy. A leading expert on work involving robots, Matt’s field research examines the ways in which AI and intelligent machines are changing work and the broader implications of these technologies for workers, managers and organizations.

check out great world experts who will be present at the 6th edition of Economics of Change.

Diego Barreto

Diego Barreto is the Finances a nd Strategy Vice President for iFood

Professor of strategy, digital business and new economy. He’s got an administration M.S. from International Institute for Management Development (IMD Business School), and has been to renowned Brazilian academic institutions - Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) and Fundação Instituto de Administração (FIA), as an academic. He is an Endeavor and 500 Startups (Silicon Valley) mentor. He's also, the author of a best-selling Business book in Brazil.

Daniel Knopfholz

CIO of Boticário Group

Daniel is the current CIO of Boticário Group, responsible for leading the company's digital transformation. Before that, he was the Executive Director of Eudora, transforming the start up into the 2nd largest unit of the Boticário Group. He was also Head of the company's International Area and, for 5 years, led Boticário’s Portugal operation. Before that, he worked as a consultant in strategic consulting for several years. Daniel has a degree in Social Communication from UFPR (Federal University of Paraná) and a Madrid’s IE Business School MBA.

Barry K. Fingerhut

Barry K. Fingerhut is the CEO and owner of Certification Partners, LLC, (CP)

He holds a B.S. degree with distinction from the University of Maryland (1967), and an M.B.A. in Finance/Investments with distinction from New York University (1969). CP is the creator of CIW (Certified Internet Web Professional), and ICT (Information and Communication Technology Essentials)

Maria Cristina Oliveira

Full Professor at the Institute of Mathematical and Computer Sciences at the University of São Paulo, and Director of the ICMC-USP

She has a B.A. in Computer Science from the Mathematics and Computing Sciences Institute (ICMC), at São Paulo State University (USP, 1985) and a PhD from University of Wales, Bangor, United Kingdom (1990). She’s the lead professor at ICMC (Computer Science department) since 2008, but has also already been its Head of Department and Vice Director. Currently, as ICMC’s director, has already coordinated the Computer Science and Computing Mathematics ICMC graduate’s program.

Frei David Santos

Educafro Executive Director

Considered one of the most acclaimed names in education, Frei David Santos will lead the thinking on how technology will impact the learning models

What is the Economics of Change?

The Economics of Change is a platform that brings together a select group of leaders and executives from Brazil in close dialogue with international references in relevant and high-impact themes for the global economy.

Over the year, we hold quarterly events on current themes that are pertinent to the future of the economy and the challenges of managing large corporations, with the presence of major national and international experts.

A space to share visions and deepen the analysis of today's and tomorrow's challenges.

We believe that sharing and debating information is the best way to build the changes the world needs.

A r t i c l e

How to develop business models that reduce socio-environmental impacts and contribute to economic development?

Check out the interview with Nana Baffour on the 3rd edition of Economics of Change


Matt Beane - 5th edition

Charlie Fink - 4th edition

Tensie Whelan - 3th edition

Sylvia Hewlett - 2th edition

David Mulford - 1th Edition

Investing in diversity as a long-term practice generates innovation. The second edition of Economics of Change gathered a select group of leaders and executives in a discussion joined by international specialists in order to deal with one of the major changes the world must see. Check some insights of the last edition on our LinkedIn page. 


Sylvia Hewlett​

Economista formada em Cambridge e especialista em questões de gênero. Atua junto à agências governamentais e sem fins lucrativos, promovendo o empoderamento feminino e a inclusão de minorias.

Paulo Rogério Nunes​

Consultor em Diversidade e co-fundador da Vale do Dendê, investidor e aceleradora de startups da área criativa e digital. Eleito um dos afrodescentes mais influentes do mundo em 2018, pela MIPAD.

Nana Baffour​

Qintess President, CEO and Culture Director. He is also CEO and founder of Bottega S.a.r.l., a holding company that invests in technology opportunities. Graduated in Economics from Lawrence University, holds a Masters in Economics from the University of North Carolina, an MBA from the New York University Stern School of Business, and a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA®️) certificate.

Maria Colacurcio

CEO da Synd.io, empresa de análise de RH focada em promover a igualdade de direitos e da diversidade no local de trabalho por meio de aplicativos que capacitam as organizações à contratar, promover e remunerar seus colaboradores de maneira justa.

Erika Irish Brown

Chief Diversity Officer do Goldman Sachs, responsável pelas ações de diversidade e estratégia de inclusão a nível global e por conduzir iniciativas de cultura inclusiva e esforços relacionados ao recrutamento, retenção e promoção de profissionais. É membro do Conselho de Liderança Executiva, vice-presidente da Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation e atua no Conselho da Riverside Hawks.

Roberto Balls Sallouti

CEO e membro do Conselho de Administração do BTG Pactual. Ingressou no Banco em 1994 e tornou-se sócio em 1998. Ao longo da sua carreira, foi responsável pelas áreas de renda fixa local e internacional, antes de tornar-se COO (Chief Operating Officer) em 2008. Em 2015, passou a ser CEO do Banco. É membro dos Conselhos da Febraban, do Mercado Livre, do Banco Pan e bacharel em Economia, com especialização em Finanças e Marketing pela University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School.

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and debates of
previous events

Globalization, Covid-19, buying behaviors and much more on the world economic scenario. Revisit the subjects approached in the last editions of Economics of Change.

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